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The app for Contentful CMS lets you add alt text to your images with the click of a button.


  • Go to our listing on the Contentful Marketplace.
  • Click the Install Now button to add it to your Contentful space.


  • When you first install the app, you will be prompted to enter your API Key.
  • Get your API Key by logging into your account, then go to Account: API Keys.
  • Copy an existing API Key, or just create a new one to use. Paste it into the Contentful app settings.

The app will also create a new content model called ImageWithAltText. This model contains an image, plus a text field for alt text. You'll use this whenever you need alt text generated for an image in your system.


The Contentful app also syncs generated alt text into the image's native Description field.

Adding Alt Text to Images

To add alt text to an image, just create a new ImageWithAltText entry. You'll see a field to select or upload an image, along with a button to automatically generate the alt text using You can even add your own SEO keywords that will be blended into the generated alt text:

Adding alt text in Contentful.

Click the Generate Alt Text button, and ... boom! You have alt text for your image.

Alt text added with

Bulk Updating All Images

Our app for Contentful also gives you the ability to bulk update your existing library of images.

  1. From the Apps menu, select Bulk Update:

    Bulk update menu in the Contentful app.

  2. You will be shown how many images are in your library, along with a setting to control whether or not to skip images that already have alt text. Make your selection, then click the Start button to begin processing your images:

    Bulk update configuration screen.